Quirky Boots
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Trak - Crafty Cat 957

chocolate fudge cake
Quirky Boots
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1Trak - Crafty Cat 957 Empty Trak - Crafty Cat 957 Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:12 am

Quirky Boots

Quirky Boots

Hi everyone, for the month of August I'm bringing a dear friend to you as a feature Smile
Trak is truly a gorgeous girl who creates beautiful cards and has a heart of gold

Q) Tell us a little about yourself

A) I am tracy wray, I live in a small village in staffordshire, and I have 3 loves in my house, my hubby my cats and crafting. I do all sorts of crafts but mainly cards and scrapbooking. It was my life line when I ended up paralized from the waste down at 26 as I was stuck at home. I had always crafted but a friend got me some stamping kits and that was it I was hooked Smile I just love how crafting brings people together, no matter what age or ability you are anyone can have a go .. I love it!
Trak - Crafty Cat 957 Trak4

Q) Explain a typical day for you

A) I get up, take all my meds, feed and play with the cats, start crafting... have lunch... craft some more.. take a break and watch tv, I usually doodle while I'm watching tv, I have to do something with my hands so either drawing knitting or crocheting .. have tea little more crafting.. and inbetween all of that I find time to talk to friends on forums and msn.. I just love talking lol

Q) Where did the name Crafty Cat 957 come from?

A) The name craftycat came from my love of both crafting and cats.. the 957 is from our old business which we had to close down due to my illness

Trak - Crafty Cat 957 Cat1

Q) Whats your favourite image?

A) My fav image is Jasper with his tongue out as he always does he is so cute and so loving he is my baby and means everything to me

Trak - Crafty Cat 957 Trak3

Q) Whats the plans for the future in crafting?

A) I want to do my on stamp range which I am working on right now, and making things that everyone can use, I craft for the love of it and I try and get everyone I meet to enjoy it too

Trak - Crafty Cat 957 STP86192

You can view Traks gorgeous blog http://craftycat957.blogspot.com and her website http://craftycat957.com selling her fantastic downloads and cd's.

Please make sure you pop by and say hello to Trak, she currently has lots of kitties on her blog at the moment bless her Smile

Thank you for taking the time to do this for us Trak especially considering your busy schedule at the moment ~ hugs ~

Thanks for reading Smile


2Trak - Crafty Cat 957 Empty Re: Trak - Crafty Cat 957 Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:01 pm



Nice interview both of you. love that cat card! Going to blog hop now.


3Trak - Crafty Cat 957 Empty Re: Trak - Crafty Cat 957 Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:14 pm

chocolate fudge cake

chocolate fudge cake

Hi Trak and welcome to QC. What a crafty inspiration you are - your work is beautiful. I must tell Pipster to come and look at your second card as we were looking at charms at Stamperama yesterday and couldn't work out how to incorporate them to the best advantage - but it looks beautiful on your second card.

Hope to see you on here more.


4Trak - Crafty Cat 957 Empty Re: Trak - Crafty Cat 957 Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:45 pm



Hi Trak lovely interview. Jasper looks gorgeous & so do your cards. Must go & check out your links. Enjoy the forum.xx


5Trak - Crafty Cat 957 Empty Re: Trak - Crafty Cat 957 Tue Aug 11, 2009 10:37 am



Trak, I love your characters, how and when did you learn to draw like that?


6Trak - Crafty Cat 957 Empty Re: Trak - Crafty Cat 957 Tue Aug 11, 2009 1:13 pm



Loved the interview! Gonna go and check out your blog now! xxx

7Trak - Crafty Cat 957 Empty Re: Trak - Crafty Cat 957 Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:41 am



Me too...... love the interview and also your fab cards. Going to do as the others now and look at your blog.
Oh, and welcome to the forum too LOL Smile
I've looked on your blog and website............ great story about your momma cat adopting the 3 kittens. They sure are cutties as are her own .... great cards too and love your CD's. What a tallented lady you are. Very Happy

Last edited by Dee on Wed Aug 12, 2009 11:10 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Looked at Blog and Website)

8Trak - Crafty Cat 957 Empty Re: Trak - Crafty Cat 957 Sun Aug 16, 2009 1:46 pm



What a fabulous interview - welcome to the forum (sorry I am a bit late). Your cards are beautiful and will pop off shortly to check out your links. Smile


9Trak - Crafty Cat 957 Empty Re: Trak - Crafty Cat 957 Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:21 pm



I luv this girl!


10Trak - Crafty Cat 957 Empty Re: Trak - Crafty Cat 957 Thu Sep 03, 2009 12:54 am

Quirky Boots

Quirky Boots

Me too Lori, she's super isnt she Smile x


11Trak - Crafty Cat 957 Empty Re: Trak - Crafty Cat 957 Thu Sep 03, 2009 1:02 pm



Admin wrote:Me too Lori, she's super isnt she Smile x

I'll third that...Smile


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